Showing 63 Result(s)

5 Surprising Differences Between Management and Leadership

5 Surprising Differences Between Management and Leadership Are you a manager or a leader? It’s an important question to ask yourself because the two roles are quite different. As a manager, your focus is on efficiently running operations and meeting targets. As a leader, your focus is on inspiring and motivating people to achieve common …

5 Leadership Lessons from Military General George Patton

5 Leadership Lessons from Military General George Patton Leadership is a critical skill that can be learned and mastered by anyone. However, some people are born leaders and possess a natural ability to inspire and motivate others. George Patton was one of these rare individuals. A highly decorated military general, Patton was known for his …

12 Leadership Lessons from History’s Greatest Leaders

12 Leadership Lessons from History’s Greatest Leaders Throughout history, there have been many great leaders who have faced challenges and conquered them. In doing so, they have developed strong leadership teams that have helped them achieve their goals. Here are 12 leadership lessons from some of history’s greatest leaders: 1. Nelson Mandela – Lead by …

The 10 Components of a Successful Leadership Strategy

The 10 Components of a Successful Leadership Strategy A successful leadership strategy must have 10 key components in order to be effective. These components are a clear vision, inspiring and motivating employees, setting measurable goals, providing adequate resources, maintaining open communication, exhibiting ethical behavior, displaying strong decision-making skills, demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning, fostering …